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AAA PIECE OF HISTORY - Jacques Willett


As the historian of Allied Artists of America, I have the opportunity to hear from people interested in learning about artists who have received awards from our association.  I’d like to acknowledge and thank Hal Scheintaub and family for sharing both their painting and history.  Mr. Hal Scheintaub, a semi-retired educator from Maine is in possession of the below painting called “Installing The New Order”.  Mr. Scheintaub’s story follows.....

Feb 10, 2020

Ms. Clayman,

This painting hung in my grandfather's office in the 1950's and in my house when I was growing up in the 1960's.  I saw it every day.  After my parents' deaths, I kept the picture, but it never hung in my house.

I am a semi-retired educator living in Maine.  I am currently taking a University of Southern Maine course entitled, "Art & Genocide", with a focus on the Holocaust.  I would like to share the picture with the class, but I know nothing about it.  Anything you could tell me about the Allied Artists in the 1930's - 1950's, Jacques Willett, who may have been a member of the Allied Artists, the exhibit, and the picture itself would be fantastic.

Thanks so much, Hal

Below- Jacques Willet's painting, "Installing the New Order" with Exhibition lable still affixed on back of painting

Adolf Hitler proclaimed,“Das Jahr 1941 wird...das geschichtliche Jahr einer großen Neuordnung Europas sin.”

The year 1941 will be the historical year of a great new European order.The New Order was the name of the Nazi plan to ensure the supremacy of an Aryan-Nordic master race.  The goal would be achieved througharmed conquest of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, andthe physical annihilation of the Jews, the Slavs, Roma ("gypsies") and others considered   to be "unworthy of life"The artist, Jacques Willett was born in Russia in 1892.  He studied at the Imperial Academy of. Art in Petrograd, in Munich in Paris before coming to New York to join the Allied Artists of America.   His works include Russian maritime scenes, landscapes and portraits. He painted “Installing the New Order '' to graphically show the world how the plan for the German dominance was being carried out.  The work highlights individuals (the killer, the accomplice, the bystanders, and the victims), rather than mass extinctions, to show us that all murder is personal. That one killing, repeated millions of times, imagine the horror.

Jacques Willett I (1882 - 1958)

Jaques I. Willett, predominantly known for his landscape painting, was born in Petrograd, Russia in 1882. He studied at the Imperial Academy of Art in Petrograd and also studied for a time in Munich and Paris. He was a member of Allied Art Association, the Brooklyn Society of Artists and the Society of Independent Artists. His work is in the collection of the Newark Museum and University of Chicago. Willett died on May 19, 1958.

Information about artist was found online and taken from Darwin Bearley, Akron, Ohio whose source was "Who Was Who in American Art" by Peter Falk:

AAA Art Historian- Elaine Clayman


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